Immunophenotyping is a most important and regularly used technique in Immunology and Immunological research studies. The technique is usually used for the disease monitoring and diagnostic purpose either by immunohistochemistry or by utilizing the high-throughput technique Flow Cytometry.. Flow Cytometry is a common method for the immuno phenotyping the different cell subsets or sub populations of cells. Immunophenotyping is used for the identification and characterisation of the cell surface markers and intracellular markers. In simple terms, the technique is used to detect and study the proteins expressed by the cells. Samples used for the study could be Tissue Section (Fresh or Fixed) or Cell suspension (mono-dispersed cell suspension for FCM). This technique helps in rapid and easy phenotyping of each cell in a heterogeneous sample according to the presence or absence of a protein combination. Markers (or proteins of interest) are usually functional membrane proteins...