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Quitting Smoking is not an easy task.. It takes time, courage, dedication and motivation.. Almost all smokers who want to quit, find it very difficult to quit this bad habit. Here are some tips which will help you in quitting smoking. 

Follow these steps, you might succeed in quitting and kicking this habit. (First thing first, take a paper and a pen, and write down why you are planning to quit, read those reasons carefully and keep it in your pocket.. Whenever you feel or get urge to smoke, read those reasons that you wrote).. (PS: I am not gonna bore you by explaining the effects of smoking on your health, because you already know it). Motivations differ from person to person, some motivate themselves so they can good health and some want to save money, some people for family.. But, the addiction allows them to get back into the their routine..

I want you to try something and follow the tips too

"Only 4-5 days, just do not smoke a single cigarette, just for 4 days.. And after 4 days, have one, the moment you to take that single puff after 4 days, you will come to know what is happening to you... Your legs start shaking, head ache, chest pain and you won't be able to move your hands properly.. You won't be able to focus on anything because of that one puff after 4 days... After this, you will understand and realize that you actually don't need to smoke"

Here are some tips which will help you in quit smoking for good

1) Set a Quit Date

Going "Cold Turkey" is good.. But, for most of the people will fail because of the strong addiction.. So, PICK A DATE, may be start of the week or month so that you have enough time to smoke less leading up to that DATE. Picking a date actually helps you and prepares you to create a plan and find people who will support you for this.. (Setting a quit date does not mean you can smoke how much ever you want...!!!!! It means, you can reduce the number of cigarettes bit by bit, day by day until your quit date). 

2) Triggers and Routine

You need to try to avoid the triggers which makes you want to smoke.. Change your routine.. Have a look at your daily routine and activities and think about the times you plan to or you just smoke. You need to change those routines.. And spend time with friends who do not smoke.. Do not engage in a conversation with someone who smoke, which will eventually lead you to get back to that filthy cigarette. Just avoid smokers or anything that makes you smoke. 


For the first few days, cravings will be tough. You will feel panicky, anxious, tight.. Just wait it out, these cravings will eventually pass, because these are time limited. These cravings will last for 5-10 minutes max. Just stay busy or do something for those 5-10 minutes. Distract yourself with something. Take deep breaths or squeeze a stress ball. 

4) Stay active and BUSY

Find some ways to keep yourself busy and active when you are alone, depressed or bored. Being bored and depressed will trigger the urge to smoke. So, go for a short walk in the park, have a look at the trees or sit in a park and play games in your mobile or tab. Play some interesting game which keeps you busy..... Do meditation and yoga in the morning and take deep breaths. (Slowly inhale and exhale and concentrate on every breath you take during breathing exercises). Chew a sugarless gum or go out with your non-smoking friends and have a conversation about a movie or show something. Watch some funny videos when you get a urge to smoke. 

5) Water, Water and Water

You should know that, when you plan to quit smoking, you have to keep your body hydrated and stay hydrated. Drink lots of water.. Drink at least a cup of water every 20-30 minutes. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water within 10-12 hours time. When you really get an urge to smoke, try to drink a glass of cold water and apply ice to your cheeks for 5 minutes. The cravings will go away. 

6) Active:

Since you have smoked a lot, probably for years, your lungs are not healthy.. So, keep yourself active in some physical activities such going for a run or do some stretching exercises. Heavy smokers might want to take this slowly, run for few meters slowly and increase the distance day by day.... When you go for run or exercise in smoking cessation, then your lungs automatically start to heal and repair itself and starts to eliminate all toxic chemicals deposited in them. 

7) Motivation:

When you get an urge to smoke, remind yourself that you have a plan to quit it for good or you are done with smoking completely. Motivate yourself.. If you motivate yourself, then there is nothing that can stop you to achieve your goal. Keep on remind yourself that cravings and symptoms will pass eventually, keep on reading the reasons you wrote. 

8) Special Occasion or Crisis

"There is no such thing as crisis cigarette or special occasion cigarette. You might think that you can handle one. but trust me, you won't be able to handle that "ONE", because when you have "ONE", it will lead you back to the habit before you even realize that you had a "PLAN". 

9) Weight Gain

Do not let yourself gaining weight. Most of the people worry that they will gain weight if they quit smoking. This is not true.. You can avoid gaining weight by having meals at regular times, snacking on healthy foods in between your meals. Regular exercise will also helps in avoiding gaining weight. 

10) Why it is hard:  

It is hard because you have trained your brain that you need a cigarette  when you are happy, bored and depressed.   About 96%, its all mental. If you are able to train and handle your mental focus, you can easily achieve your goal.. Read this article on How to keep your mind straight and calm. 

I want you to try something after reading this tips.

"Only 4-5 days, just do not smoke a single cigarette, just for 4 days.. And after 4 days, have one, the moment you to take that single puff after 4 days, you will come to know what is happening to you... Your legs start shaking, head ache, chest pain and you won't be able to move your hands properly.. You won't be able to focus on anything because of that one puff after 4 days... After this, you will understand and realize that you actually don't need to smoke"...        


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